Document Travels: The Best Ideas to Document your Travels

You are going on your dream vacation or you just got back, how will you document your travels?! That is a question many people are asking.

It may be you want to buy a souvenir to bring back home or those 500 photos you took or you keep journals of each place you have been. No matter what you choose, everyone needs a place to document travels.

I wish I would of done something starting at a younger age. I have traveled a lot with my family and now a lot as an adult. When I started traveling with my now husband we initially started collecting ornaments, sounds like a good idea, right? Wrong- Traveling Europe, 7 countries in 17 days, would of been tough to collect all those on our trip and keep them safe. Peru was also another country we found this tough, we were unable to find any ornaments in the places we were.

After Europe, with no ornaments, I decided I would use Shutterfly books to document our travels. Sounds like a good idea, right? Wrong again, first off those are really expensive and secondly, shortly after my purchase we started living a ‘minimalist‘ lifestyle and gotten rid of a lot of picture frames and items sitting on our end tables.

Fast forward to Christmas 2016. I asked for a push pin world map. LOVE. Not only is it a vintage, light colored picture but it allows me to document all my travels and hangs right in my living room.

Again, everyone is different and find unique ways to show their time. Like us, you may also change your mind several times. Here are a few ways to document travels.

Document Travels: The Best Ideas to Document your Travels

Push Pin Maps

As mentioned above, my personal favorite. Etsy has so many options you are bound to find one that interests you.

Scratch off Maps

What a fun way to document your travels. This map acts just like a scratch off you would buy from a convenience store, when you travel to that state or country, scratch it off your map. Walmart is just one of many places you can find this map.

Travel Journal

Writing down your travel experiences as you go or when you come home is always a good idea. You can document really specific stuff or maybe you just want to document the food you tried. Whatever it may be there are so many options on where to buy them and what to write in them.

Social Media

Technology is taking off in this day and age and allows you to document your travels right online. You could use a certain # on your Instagram for a specific trip or you could upload an album to Facebook dedicated that trip. The social media world is endless and a great place to document your travels.


Some people love technology and some people love a physical, handheld item. Scrapbooking is a great way to put pictures and paper items you collect from your travels. You could either make a scrapbook dedicated to one trip or to many trips.

Shutterfly Books

After you upload your pictures onto your computer you can then create a book at Shutterfly. There are a lot of options for layouts and number of pictures you can have. The nice thing about Shutterfly? They always have coupons or deals in progress.

Souvenirs on Display

Buying ‘made in country’ souvenirs are very popular. Coffee cups, ornaments, candles, souvenir spoons, and beer cans are just a few ideas you could purchase in each country to put on display once you get back home.


Every tourist shop, in every city sells postcards. This would be an easy way to collect one from every city/country you go to. You could get creative and mail one to yourself back at home documenting what you did in that place or you could just put it in your bag and bring home.


This could be one expensive way to document. Just kidding, it doesn’t have to be. If you are into international travel, saving your 10 cent change or a $1 bill from each country you go to, would be a fun and colorful way to document your travels.


Writing a blog for either your own self or for your family is a great way to document your travels. Blogging gives you a platform to add pictures while also documenting what you did at that time.

Travel Map

Creating your own travel photo map is a great idea. Photos of yourself go into either states, territories or countries that you have visited.


  • Salut, je m'appelle Alexis et j'ai 35 ans. Je suis un passionné de voyage et je partage mes aventures sur mon blog depuis maintenant plusieurs années. Mes destinations préférées sont celles qui sortent des sentiers battus et qui offrent une immersion dans la culture locale. J'aime aussi beaucoup les voyages en solo, qui me permettent de me déconnecter du monde et de me recentrer sur moi-même. En dehors de mes voyages, j'aime aussi beaucoup la randonnée et le camping, et j'essaie de passer autant de temps que possible dans la nature.

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