Minimalist Challenge

The Minimalist Challenge has been life changing.

I may of been a ‘typical’ girl, or maybe I was even worse but I had a shopping problem. I also had an “everything has to be cute and in season” problem. (is that even a thing?)

Every season I had to decorate with the latest Target decorations. I needed the cutest throw pillows, the best picture frames, wall art in every bathroom and the cutest soap dispensers. I had a problem.

Clothes shopping was an awful & expensive addiction that had taken a lot of my hard working money. I needed to be wearing the cutest clothes and have those fashionable shoes.

It wasn’t until one day my husband, sweet husband, sent me the Minimalist Challenge. I wasn’t sure what to think right away? Is this his passive way of saying I have a problem? Is he going to do this with me or am I doing it on my own?

The more we got talking about it the more I was sold. This will kick my addiction and help me declutter my house. We were doing it!

Minimalist Challenge:

There is 30 days to this challenge. Day one you will get rid of 1 item in your house. Day two you will get rid of 2 items in your house and so on, until day thirty when you get rid of 30 items in your house.

That’s 465 items total and with two of us that is 930 items.

Each day we treated it like it was a must do, sometimes at night we would set out the 6 items that we were going to add to the pile tomorrow. What also helped was we set an alarm every morning to make sure we did what we said we were going to do.

The items can be furniture, clothes, athletic stuff, bed supplies, and trash, or should be in trash.

I was able to get rid of those clothes that I always told myself to keep incase of that ‘one day’. I got rid of holiday decorations that just clutter up my home each season. The outside planters I thought I would use each spring. Unwanted tools and outside equipment that haven’t ever been used.

Our goodwill pile just grew and grew and the stress of the clutter just shed off my shoulders.

At the end of the challenge, our house was clean, our mindset was reset and mentally I felt so much better.


My mindset changed in that I already got rid of a lot of stuff, so why re-buy it now?

We also decided where we wanted our money to go and what we wanted to spend our money on.

Not having each side table and shelf covered in picture frames or objects is so refreshing.

This year decorating for the fall and winter I didn’t feel the need to buy all new stuff. I knew that if I did that the clutter will just build up and what a waste of money.

Great way to clean your spare bedroom and get rid of your clothes to donate for some extra money.

Lastly, it has allowed my husband and I to live a more simplified life where we don’t feel we need more stuff, but more memories.

The Minimalist Challenge was very life changing for my husband and I. We felt this was a great challenge to jump start our organization and declutter in all parts of our home. Give it a try and let me know how it goes!

What other declutter challenges have you done?


  • Salut, je m'appelle Alexis et j'ai 35 ans. Je suis un passionné de voyage et je partage mes aventures sur mon blog depuis maintenant plusieurs années. Mes destinations préférées sont celles qui sortent des sentiers battus et qui offrent une immersion dans la culture locale. J'aime aussi beaucoup les voyages en solo, qui me permettent de me déconnecter du monde et de me recentrer sur moi-même. En dehors de mes voyages, j'aime aussi beaucoup la randonnée et le camping, et j'essaie de passer autant de temps que possible dans la nature.